
“Tree of knowledge vs Tree of Life”

A healing website aid for students & practitioners of the Holy Science.

(Monk) Michael Ryan, Alamogordo, New Mexico, 1988, USA.

Student (since 2011) of the Native American Reincarnation of Jesus the Christ & his Science of Metatronics.

Meditation & healing practitioner, since birth.

I am Navaho, Apache, English, Irish, Spanish, Mexican, Portuguese, French, German, Scandinavian, Jewish Ashkenazi, Italian, Asian, Chinese, Arabian, African, & more.

***Notice to the Public***

Please note, Jesus is not a controlling type of person. Therefore, false prophets/profits & fake personalities may at any given time, be surrounding the periphery of the Lord’s charitable works & medias. Please try & understand the compassion & patience of the Lord as he dispells & exorcises all glamours through his unconditional loving light & healing blessings for all sentient beings.

*This all applies to non-students, those trying to become Student, & actual ‘students’

So try to disregard the numerous individuals who cannot help but present their illusions & delusions of grandeur as though they are some sort of representative of Jesus (i.e. pictures of themselves affiliated, of His monastery, their tools, volunteering, past experiences, their knowledge, catholic priests, etc) Try to realize Jesus has none... Seek him directly through his appointed channels /websites /contact info, and his Dharma & Sangha of monastics; who are living & working in his Monasteries, who are there striving/non-striving to be in humble tutelage (under his direction & guidance), as they volunteer to be in service with Sanat Kumara the Buddha Maitreya Reincarnation of Jesus Christ, as he serves them & us all.

God bless! Aho!🦅

 “Was Jesus enthroned in Tibet in the year 2000?”

“Jesus is bringing the New Group of World Servers”

“Jesus raising Consciousness”

“Wyatt Earp TV show Review”