The Tree of Life

no treatment, medication, or therapy produces these kind of statistical results. so is Carnivore the genetic natural diet of the human race? Jesus says yes!

“Teaching on Dharma”

“Learn to Fast for a Better Life”

“The Path to Self Healing”

Tree of Life in the Bible

Sangha Attitude

What does Jesus say about Hunting?

I tried vegetarianism for 12 years:

Jesus talks Carnivore for 13 minutes:

The benefits of eating flaxseed on a carnivore diet:

Jesus YouTube Shorts on Carnivore Diet

Jesus teaching about vegetarian misconceptions in India

Jesus explains why we arent supposed to eat vegetables

The vegan diet is causing brain size to shrink

Humans can’t get nutrients from plants

Your teeth can grow back on the Carnivore Diet

easy shopping list

Aboriginal people eat meat not vegetables

Carnivore Diet heals your chakras

comparing Carnivore to Vegetarian

Carnivore Food Pyramid

“Carnivore Diet cures stage 3 diabetes”

Buddha Maitreya teaching Carnivore

Carnivore Dr’s on Youtube

Nutrition with Judy

Ken D Berry MD

Anthony Chaffee MD

3 different Carnivore Breads (zero carbs)



